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Post-Partum For Moms

What is Post-Partum?

In pregnancy, the muscular corset, or core, that protects a woman's back, pelvis, uterus and bladder becomes stretched, and the front of the pelvic floor may become torn or cut. Whether months or years postpartum, chances are you could use a little help flattening your stomach, strengthening your back or regaining control over your pelvic floor. With some or all of the core muscles unavailable for normal use, most women fall back on a coping strategy based on compression. For starters, this may lead to a tummy bulge, but over time, all the downward pressure may lead to stress incontinence, commonly known as a leaky bladder. Some women may even require suspension surgery to hold up the fallen bladder. There is also the possibility that some women are doing exercises incorrectly, leading them to drive the uterus and bladder through the weakened pelvic floor. The correct postpartum exercises cannot prevent all hysterectomies and all suspension surgeries, but some damage may be prevented or reversed. 

How will Physiotherapy help with Post-Partum?

Physiotherapy can help with postpartum by providing in depth education, as well as exercises to help isolate and strengthen the deep abdominals (especially transversus abdominus) which have been stretched and in the case of a c-section cut.  It is very important to regain good control of the lumbar spine and pelvis by properly retraining the deep core muscles; especially transverse abdominus, multifidus and the pelvic floor muscles.  This can help avoid chronic low back and pelvis pain and help avoid prolapse of the uterus and bladder incontinence in future years.  The participants will also be instructed on good body mechanics when caring for their baby. There is a focus on retraining the stretched and/or torn pelvic floor muscles as well.  Patients who seek physiotherapy for postpartum needs will have the skills and knowledge to continue their program at home or at an exercise facility upon completion of physiotherapy at our clinic.

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